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Poolside Paint & Pour

Enjoy a poolside experience alongside interesting people under the beautiful Florida sun. Create your very own unique piece of painted art and potentially unlock a new hobby or passion in the process. With the help of a skilled art instructor, you could step out of your comfort zone, create a lasting memory and build new relationships, all with a refreshing drink (and a paintbrush) in your hand.

Get a taste of carefree living and delicious dining as curated charcuterie boards and handcrafted drinks will be provided by the expert Culinary Team from Abbey Delray. In our community, opportunities like these are always around the corner, thanks to a robust calendar of engaging events. Join us and get a firsthand look at a colorful future.

Space is limited, so make your reservation today! To reserve please call
(561) 567-0290 or click on the RSVP button by Friday, April 19th.


April 24
1:00 pm
Event Category:


Abbey Delray
2000 Lowson Boulevard, Delray Beach, FL 33445 United States
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